
Shrimp Farming Business to Feed the World

Everyone can make good money with a commercial shrimp farm because of the many advantages that come from doing it. It’s a low cost, high profit business that can produce food and relieve world food crisis. You are very likely to always have high demand from customers.

With the world population rising, we have no choice but to figure out new ways to produce more food, in new ways in order to feed the growing world population.  So anyone that is getting involved in this kind of business is not only helping themselves but also helping solve an issue that is of big concern in today’s world!

Is Shrimp Farming Profitable?
Commercial shrimp farming is a very profitable and rewarding business, so it is something that is worth investing in if you are seriously interested. Shrimp is a high quality protein that is in demand around the world and also has numerous health benefits which also makes people want to buy it. Shrimp is considered a valuable commodity that brings millions of dollars to our economy through business and also by creating new jobs in the community.  There is a wide range of benefits for a lot of people which makes it a great business venture.

Who can start a shrimp farm?
Anyone who is interested and dedicated can start a commercial shrimp farming business. All you need is a little bit of space, some extra time, and some capital for starting your business. Even if you plan to start a shrimp farming business in your backyard, and want to start small, you can still have very rewarding results, so avoid thinking that you have to start out with a huge space and large facilities to get started. You can start small in your own backyard, understand how to make it work, start getting a little profit, and then expanding if you so desire.
How do you Get Started?
If you are seriously considered starting your own commercial shrimp farm, try to learn as much as you can about the business. This way you will have a very clear plan and different ways to deal with certain situations, or solve problems if they come up. 

Here are a few things you should consider first before you get started:

  • What is the right kind of shrimp specie suitable for your area?
  • How much space do you need?
  • Do you need any constructions?
  • What equipment do you need? 
  • How much money do you need to get started?
  • When will you start harvesting and making money?
  • Where is your market?
  • What do your shrimp eat? 
  • Do you need to produce shrimp feed with fish feed machine?
  • What are the predators and health issues?  
  • Do you need permits or license?
  • How do you test your water quality?
  • Where do you go for help?

You should try to learn as much as possible about your business and market to know exactly how you should go about marketing and distributing your product. The more you learn, the more chances you have of becoming a successful commercial shrimp farmer. Knowledge is power so use all the information you acquire and apply in the smartest possible way to get your business going.
Make it Big
If you really think that you have a good chance of success, you should get into it more deeply and expand your business in a way that enables you to reach more customers and this way your profit and impact will be much larger. Even if you think you don’t want to invest a whole lot of money or time into it, you can still start small and get a feel for what it is like to be in the business and then decide how far you want to take it. You can still produce enough shrimp to sell around your neighborhood, sell to nearby restaurants, at a local farmers’ market, or sell them to your friends. This is a good way to start as you can get to know the people consuming your product and get their feedback and this way you can improve your farming skills to eventually make the business bigger if you want, these initial experiences can be priceless.

An aquaponic fish farm can be a self-sufficient sustainable method of raising fish and growing vegetables at the same time with minimum waste and inputs, another one of many benefits for yourself and the planet as well.  It saves time, energy, and money leading the way in environmentally sustainable agriculture. Even if you don’t want to raise fish or grow vegetables commercially, you can grow enough food to feed yourself which will save you some cash!
Remark: this article comes from worldwideaquaculture.com 

Extension Reading:
Philippines Fish Farming Guidance
Useful Guidance for Catfish Farming in Nigeria

